Gustavo Storck, Supply Chain Management

As the oldest son of three generations of hard-working business people, Gustavo Storck inherited his entrepreneurial spirit hearing about his parents and grandparents’ 16-hour shifts in their small bakery in Brazil.

That bakery was later converted into a supermarket chain that his parents run. The pandemic forced Storck, then a USF student majoring in chemical engineering, to return to his hometown, take online classes and help out with the family’s business.

Storck’s father trained him to be the head of buying and Storck suddenly had a crash course in supply chain management. He coordinated merchandise purchase orders and established new connections to overcome market shortages.

In 2021, he started a coffee shop adjoining his grandparents’ old bakery and was featured on local news as one of the youngest entrepreneurs to open a business during the pandemic.

“Every day was a new challenge and it didn’t take long for business to become my passion and addiction,” he said.

As a Muma College of Business student, he has taken his new career pathway with zest, diving headfirst into the USF chapter of the American Marketing Association and the student-led agency Consult-A-Bull. While serving as director of fundraising at AMA, Storck raised over $4,000 for the organization. He was instrumental in obtaining a government grant of over $5,000 that helped 20 marketing students attend an international conference in Chicago. Because of his successes, he was hired by Student Government and recently promoted to Tampa campus executive director of marketing and communications.

74 Replies to “Gustavo Storck, Supply Chain Management”

  1. Gustavo sempre se destacou nas atividades que participou aqui no Brasil!
    Inteligente, Dedicado e muito educado !

  2. His journey is very interesting and challenging, I know Storck for a long time, and I can say that I am very proud of him and proud of everything that he accomplished to this point.

  3. Gustavo is an example of a boy, we are very proud of him here in our city!! Congratulations to him and all his beautiful family!!!

  4. Gustavo Storck deserves it so much! he’s a wonderful person and student, always so dedicated!

  5. Gustavo,
    Parabéns pelas suas conquistas, você sempre foi muito responsável e dedicado, com certeza será vitorioso.
    Grande abraço


  6. Parabéns,Gustavo Stocker.
    Que emoção dos seus Avôs, País, irmãos e Todos os Professores que de alguma maneira contribuiu para que hoje Você pudesse ter Sucesso e ajudar tantas crianças.
    Eu como Mãe de um Guri que também estuda na COREE- Escola Internacional de Joinville, encho de orgulho e estou torcendo muito por Ti.
    Deus te Abençoe grandemente 🥰👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  7. Stork is hardworking and a real team-member. Great potential to develop business with a sense of community contribution.

  8. I remember see Gustavo at my school, and I was surprised when I see in Facebook last year, I think it was about this bakery in Pandemic time. I hope he achiev all your dreams

  9. I believe that Gustavo will be a great candidate. He work hard to fulfill the goals that he wants to achieve and he understand that is necessary the effort to get there. He also is a kind young man.

  10. É um orgulho para nosso Brasil em especial nossa região Porto União SC e União da Vitória PR. Parabéns.

  11. Parabéns Gustavo, carregando junto o nome da nossa cidade União da Vitória, nosso estado do Paraná e nosso país Brasil…! Estamos orgulhosos por você!

  12. The most dedicated and loving person I have ever met. If you ever cross your path with his you will be happy to have him as part of your life. Thank you Gu for all you do, you are an amazing person!

  13. Parabéns Gustavo!! Sempre se destacando por sua competência e determinação. É um orgulho para o Brasil, ter você nos representando.

  14. Congratulations Gustavo for the effort and dedication! Congratulations also to the whole Storck family!!!

  15. Amigo da minha filha, colega de treino de natação, e de muitas viagens juntos
    Dedicado super gente boa um querido
    Sucesso Gustavo 👏🏻👏🏻
    bjss da tia Mimi

  16. Gustavo um menino dedicado, educado e inteligente.
    Sempre muito respeitoso com as pessoas a sua volta.
    Deus Abençoe cada dia mais.

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